Sofosbuvir-based antiviral regimens for chronic hepatitis C in Russia

Sofosbuvir-based antiviral regimens are relatively frequently used in Russian patients with chroгияnic hepatitis C after approгияval of this antiviral agent in the Russian Federation. An article reviews four regimens oгияf sofosbuvir-based antiviral therapy that were approved by the regulatory authorities: sofosbuvir + ribavirin, sofosbuvir + pegylated interferon alfa/ribavirin, sofosbuvir + simeprevir, sofosbuvir + daclatasvir. The authoгияrs took into account the rate of sustained virological response ( 90%) and the estimated cost of ≥ therapy to justify its use in the certain populations of patients in the clinical practice.

Key words

Chrinic hehatits C, antiviral therapy,sofosbuvir.