Complex clinical and economic expertise of the use of omalizumab in severe uncontrolled asthma in Russia

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Clinical and economic evaluation of omalizumab in addition to a standard or maintenance therapy in adult patients and children with severe uncontrolled atopic asthma in Russia

Material and methods

We calculated direct and indirect costs and conducted cost-utility, cost-effectiveness analyses as well as a budget impact analysis. The results were tested by sensitivity analysis. Mathematical modelling was based on Markov cycles with 2- and 5-year horizons.


The strategy “omalizumab plus standard therapy” is economically feasible in children with a high demand for emergency and hospital medical care (annual hospitalization rate is 9), who require high (558 mg/month in average) doses of omalizumab. The strategy "omalizumab plus standard therapy" is economically feasible in adults with high hospitalization rate (4 per year), systemic use of corticosteroids, and average requirement for omalizumab <300 mg/month. Budget impact analysis did not reveal a significant burden on the budget. It was shown that treatment with omalizumab results in 45% reduction in direct medical costs (frequency of exacerbations, hospitalizations, visits to the doctor, hormonal and symptomatic therapy) and in 43% reduction in indirect medical costs.

Key words

Pharmacoeconomics, decision modelling, bronchial asthma, omalizumab.